Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Dragostea Din Tei Lyrics

I love the song Dragostea Din Tei also known as the Numa Numa song.

These are the lyrics.

Dragostea Din Tei

Ma-ia hii
Ma-ia huu
Ma-ia haw
Ma-ia haha (x4)

Friday, October 24, 2008

"Normal" people.....

hmmm, this is random, but, have you noticed that not many people actually believe in dragons? Its wierd to me. I know they exist, and I know people who also know the same. But why doesn't the average person know them and respect them? It confuses me.... Are the modern world just too stubborn and into their own little world and their own beliefs about what exists and what doesn't that they can't respect the fact that they might not know everyting that exists. This really pisses me off. Everytime I here someone mock me for dragons or mock dragons themselves, I want to rip their narrow minded ignorant heads off!!!!!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Wikipedia Defination of a Dragon.

The dragon is a legendary creature of which some interpretation or depiction appears in almost every culture worldwide. The physical description and supposed abilities of the creature vary immensely according to the different cultures in which it appears. However, the unifying feature of almost all interpretations is it being a serpentine or otherwise reptilian onster (or at least possessing a serpentine/reptilian part or trait), and often possessing magical or spiritual qualities.

The two most familiar interpretations of dragons are either European dragons, derived from various European folk traditions, or unrelated Oriental dragons, derived from the Chinese dragon (lóng,龍,龙). The word "dragon" derives from Greek δράκων (drakōn), "a serpent of huge size, a python, a dragon" and that from δρακεῖν (drakein) aorist infinitive active of the verb δέρκομαι (derkomai) "I see clearly".


Yeah, I know I am going off my topic of Dragons, but I think that elves are very fasinating and interesting creatures. They are known for their pointed ears, (a dead give away for someone thats otherkin and part elf) their delicate bodies, immortality, and magical powers. Elves have very strong sences of taste, smell, hearing, and sight. They are quick and able to slip undetected through a lot of things. They are also great craftsmen. They make some of the most beautiful swords, bows and arrows, and other weapons. They are very skilled in using these weapons and often make them have magical qualities about the weapons. While some elves are attracted to the sea, others prefer the dark green of a deep wooded area. Elves prefer to stay undetected to the noraml human life, so if you come accross one, consider yourself lucky, for they don't have much to do with the human side of the world.


Otherkin are very interesting. They are usually some form of "fantasy" creature with a human body. Or they are half human, half creature. They sometimes possess gifts and abilities that full blooded humans don't have. For example: an otherkin that is part elf would have their sences working far more than full blooded humans. Their sence of smell, taste, hearing, and sight would be far stronger than that of pure humans. There is no definate way to find if someone is otherkin without knowing them really really well, and having earned their trust enough for them to tell you that they are otherkin.

Friday, October 3, 2008


Dragons are known for their ability to fly. However, not all breeds of dragons can fly. People ask me a lot how they can fly. Well, they have a wing span that is in proportion to their size and they are very light. Their bones are like birds, they are porous, (have many holes). They also have a lot of movement in their wings so that they can beat fast and push more air down, lifting them up into the air.

Most dragons fly at altitudes where humans can't breathe. The higher up they are, the less affect gravity has on them, so they can fly with more ease.


There are many different theorys about how dragons breathe fire. One is that they have a spark pouch in their jaw and their breath ignights the flint in the spark pouch, and so creates the flame.

Another theory is that they have different gasses or chemicals in their stomache and mouth and when they mix when the dragon breathes that creates a flame.

Yet another theory is that they have two stomaches. One they fill with meat and other food, and the other, they fill with bones or flamable substances so that when they make FYRE, their gasses in their stomaches catch the substances on fire and create a flame, which the breath blows out through the nose and mouth.

Yet another is that they have methane in their stomachs and when it mixes with another chemical it creats a flame, (its very like the second theory)

And yet another is that in their lungs there is a special type of bacteria that turns food into helium, this mixed with platinum licked off of deposits causes the helium to ignite and create a flame.

Like I said, there are many different theorys about how a dragon creates its flames. I dun know which ones are true or if any are, or if one theory only applies to one breed of dragon, and another, another. These are just theorys.