Friday, October 24, 2008

"Normal" people.....

hmmm, this is random, but, have you noticed that not many people actually believe in dragons? Its wierd to me. I know they exist, and I know people who also know the same. But why doesn't the average person know them and respect them? It confuses me.... Are the modern world just too stubborn and into their own little world and their own beliefs about what exists and what doesn't that they can't respect the fact that they might not know everyting that exists. This really pisses me off. Everytime I here someone mock me for dragons or mock dragons themselves, I want to rip their narrow minded ignorant heads off!!!!!


Rust said...

People mock it because they think its silly. Its the same reason that people mock other people's religious beliefs. You believe what you believe on faith. The rest of us don't see what you see. Your dragons are your religion in a sense. Its normal for people to crack on things that they find absurd. Nobody is totally rational all the time, but some of us conceal are irrational beliefs a bit more than you.

Dragonella said...

That depends on what you call "irrational". no one has the right to mock another person's beliefs no matter how "weird" they are. do you see me mocking your foolish ways? no.

Dragonella said...

and btw, I dun have to conceal my "irrational" beliefs on my blog.

Clint said...

he is not calling your beliefs irrational in the way that they are stupid or wrong, but in that there is no proof for all of us to see that they are right. you are completely right that no one has the right to mock your beliefs, and I'm sorry that I have gone with the crowd and done so on occassion.

Personally I do not believe in what you believe in, but that does not mean that it isn't true. For example, I am a Christian and I believe in God with all my heart, and every time I kneel down to pray, I feel him there with me and I KNOW that he exists. So when people make fun of my God, or claim that he cannot possibly exist, of course I am offended. The trick is to not show that, but to remain steadfast in your beliefs, because in the long run, you will have the satisfaction of knowing that you were right and they were wrong.

Dragonella said...

Clinton: can you prove god? no. (I am not mocking you, am just pointing this out...)

about not showing it.... um, do you see me preaching on dragons every day? no. I pretty much keep my mouth shut about everything. people may think they know me, but they really don't.

and may I point this out once again... this is a blog... it is my right to say whatever I please about whatever I please. I do not intend to pretend to be someone I am not on here. I believe in dragons, because I know they exist. I am not saying God does not exist, he does, but that doesn't mean that dragons don't exist because he does. There is proof that dragons do exist if you believe in the Bible. It even mentions dragons, so Clinton, have I made my point? theres as much proof of dragons as there is of God.

Dragonella said...

and you might want to read my older posts before making accusations about me being insane.

Clint said...

Sarah, I'm sorry you feel that way, but I am honestly not trying to attack you in any way. You don't have to defend your beliefs against my attacks, as I am not making any.

I'm not sure if I understand what you mean by showing it? I don't recall saying anything to that effect, or was that something you just took from my post that I didn't intend?

I'm not debating your right to say what you will, please feel free to read my blog and see that I understand that. I post whatever comes to mind, and that is my right, just as you have your every right to post what you will on your blog.

In general, I'm just confused by your defensive nature on this blog. Neither Mr. Rust nor I have tried to attack your beliefs, we are merely commenting on them and trying to give you advice on how to deal with those who do attack your beliefs. We are not against you, Sarah, we are just not completely with you.

As for me saying that you are insane, I honestly don't have the slightest idea of what you mean by that. Could you please quote me saying that?


Dragonella said...

That wasn't all directed at you, or at Mr. Rust. I am sorry if it came off that way....

I don't try to hide what I believe, but I know better than to go preaching about it to everyone else trying to make them believe what i do. My parents are christians with very closed minds, and they tell me to have an open mind to christianity... I don't like to be told to have an open mind about stuff, when I do, by people who don't have open minds to what I believe. (no, this is not an attack, or defense, i am just saying...)

Clint said...

Wow... I never really gave that much thought, and for that I am sorry. I can see now why you have such a problem with people attacking your beliefs, especially if the people in your own home are trying to replace yours with their own. I really respect you for learning from your parents' mistakes.

As a Christian by choice, I know within my soul that I am right, but that does not mean that you are wrong, and you are completely right to disregard my arguments when they conflict with what you know is right. I have nothing but respect for your defense of those beliefs.

If only more people would be able to see it like you. I don't understand what your beliefs concerning dragons entail, so I don't know if they conflict with Christianity. If they don't mesh, I can't rightfully do anything to try and convince you of Christianity, but if they can at all coexist in your mind, well, in the end it's all up to you.

Please, as I said in response to your most recent post, please feel free to talk with me whenever you want.

Dragonella said...

wow, now I respect you... (it is a wise thing to observe and learn from others)

It would take to long to explain in full my beliefes. and no, they don't clash with the Bible and Christianity. Infact the Bible mentions Dragons. Its just that the Bible uses them as an "evil" object all the time. but not all dragons are evil. they are like humans in a way. some are evil, some are good.

Yorick said...

Bible doesn't call all of the dragons evil. Example: the Leviathan is made by God, and every last three hours of the day, God pàlays with it. (Bible says so.)
It's true that most of western stories about dragons are about a dragon killed by a saint, but that's not really in the Bible, an the dragon is just a metaphore for Evil, the devil.
It's a pity that this gave dragons a very bad name here.

Dragonella said...

I have to agree with you a bit, Cockie, but the bible says that god created everything... and if thats true, then why did he creat satin? or did he? it kinda confuses me... but anyway, *sighs* yeah, its not a good thing for those of us who understand dragons, to have to put up with people bashing us because we love "evil" dragons are not evil. for crying out loud, people are just messed up in the head...